NCKU Student Medical Subsidies
1. Eligible applicants:
NCKU enrolled students who have suffered significant physical and mental conditions in life or academic studies, including inattention, sleep disturbance, anxiety, chronic fatigue, binge eating or anorexia, or mental weakness, and who have been diagnosed and recommended by the psychiatrist for treatment.
2. Subsidized items:
The applicant shall be subsidized for outpatient medical expenses actually paid with the amount of health insurance coverage deducted. However, the subsidy shall not include consultation fees.
3. Amount of subsidy:
(1) Students, in the current or following semester, with disadvantaged family backgrounds, including low-income households, low-middle-income households, families in hardship, or financial disadvantages, who have been verified by the Student Assistance Division to qualify for subsidies: a maximum subsidy of NT$1,200 per person per month (reimbursed for actual expenses for unlimited outpatient visits) for a maximum of 12 months per academic year during the duration of academic studies.
(2) Students who are not defined in the preceding paragraph: a maximum subsidy of NT$600 per person per month (reimbursed for actual expenses for unlimited outpatient visits) for a maximum of 12 months per academic year during the duration of academic studies.
4. Application period:
A subsidy application shall be submitted to the Student Assistance Division within 6 months from the date of the outpatient consultation.
5. Required Documents:
The applicant shall complete and submit an application form with the following documents:
(1) A diagnosis certificate issued by a psychiatrist (in case of a photocopy, it should be affixed with the stamp of the hospital or clinic).
(2) Payment receipts or other documents for medical expenses (in case of a photocopy, it should be affixed with the stamp of the hospital or clinic).
(3) A photocopy of the cover of the post office passbook.
If you have any questions about the given information, please contact Mrs. Huang at ext. 50348(E-Mail:z9106007@ncku.edu.tw) in the office of the Student Assistance Division.